off beat

i’m off beat,
i like to dance off key
i like broken keys
and cracks in high notes
when i sing.
lord have mercy
i’m off beat,
i got a broken heartbeat
i’m broken English
of i love you’s my daddy
never said to me.
i’m off beat
i got broken feet
i can’t dance to
the beat of my own drum.
i’m a language that’s been
erased from memory
when lovers forget how
to love me.
lord have mercy
i’m off beat,
i’m broken
my soul is in fragments.
in search for all the
i love you’s that ended
in severance.

four ether of pain

i spent most of my life
filling voids
with lies.
tucking my ears
denying the truth.
it was a kiss from
the bullet penetrating
my mind.
killing myself, to revive
and despising myself
even more -
after each trial.
i spent most of my life.
filling voids
with blood.
blood types unlike mine
that was attacking mine.
desperately, cutting
holes in my skin
to pour out what i ain’t
love about myself.
killing myself, to revive
and despising myself
even more-
after each trial.
i spent most of my life
filling voids
with water.
trying to drown myself
in oceans, but hated
when I survived. my
feet touches surfaces
and I rise.
killing myself, to revive
and despising myself
even more -
after each trial.
i spent most of my life
filling voids
with God.
wondering why
i got more chances.
i can’t even move
myself, my feet
cemented to surfaces
water levels rising
and my heads above
you fine with all of me?
God ain’t you tired of me?
killing myself, to revive
and despising myself
even more -
after each trial.
this how I spent most of my life.

daughter of adam & eve

i got angel wings
and blood stains on my
white teeth
standing in nudity, i’m
the daughter of
adam & eve.
i’m the forbidden fruit
they took bites of.
i’m the blood that cursed
the floor of the earth
when Cain slain Abel.
i got Angel wings
and blood flooding my
i’m woman, i’m woman.
God do you hate woman?
you won’t let me back into
you cursed me, we.
I got angel wings
and you left me in pain,
to be slave to man,
forgotten in the
east of eden.


dancing to an ethereal jupiter synth

i touch my body, i have my consent.

falling in and out

in and out of love with that girl.

i see her in the mirror

she gives me the shivers

her eyes has depth, full of miles

she sold me a dream, that heaven

exist and she’s gonna take me to paradise.

i see her in the mirror

i see her in the mirror

she stares into my soul

and i can’t hide anything from her

she see’s it all, even past the walls

i have enclosing my precious.

i surrender to her and took the route

straight to paradise.

she touches my heart, she haves my consent.

falling in love with that girl.

i’m staring back at her in the mirror.


dancing with devils

i be dancing with devils
in my bedroom.
pouncing on my squeaky
box springs.
snatching pictures off my wall
throwing clothes out my drawers
destroying memories.
i be dancing with devils
every night,
spinning, spinning,
i don’t get dizzy but
my body slams against the walls
fist balled, there’s hole all over
my home.
i be dancing with devils in the
dark, till my legs feel like static,
and I cry, cry, cry.
cause I feel so alone.
my back against the wall
and I cry, cry, cry.
i be dancing with devils
god I feel so alone.
There’s no light in my home.


ghost is all i’ve ever known.
faded beings lingering.
and my daddy was the first ghost
i’ve ever known. he was there
but the connection was never there
he was a stranger in my home.
he never known me.
to the first boy i’ve ever loved
the second ghost i’ve ever known
you disappeared on me, but
why you still lingering sucking the
life out of me haunting me.
stranger to the girl i’ve become
you’ll never know she.
to the man up above
the third ghost i’ve ever known
I never felt your presence but
they always say you there.
sometimes I don’t even care
because you never appeared when
I needed you, you never appeared.
you linger and you watch while
I’ve fallen apart.
you know me, you know the girl
I was, I am.
and all you, you and you ever did
was haunt me. abandon me.

devil in disguise

i saw the devil in my dreams.
took the breathe out of me
froze every muscle
was sucking all life out of me.
laying right beside me the devil.
I couldn’t scream, but one
lonely tear fell from my eye.
slowly, slowly, i was slipping away
in my dreams, i saw it, felt it
in my dreams...
eyes shot open, my body shook,
heaving, seized by the pain
possessed with the darkness
from pain i’ve been suppressing.
i saw the devil in my dreams.
the devil was me.

Lilith & Eve

in the beginning
there was 2
lilith & eve.
conjured from the waters
bodies formed from the breeze
there was 2
lilith & eve.
in the beginning there was light
eve created the sun to halo
the soul, for the holy
to shine in all of their glory.
there was 2
in the end there was darkness
lilith created the moon for dark skies
for dark sides of souls so holy
it tainted all of their glory.
lilith & eve.
from the waters, bore from the breeze
there was she, the creator, standing
in earths kundalini.


i will not stop you
i will not stop you
if you tried to end your own life.
i am God
but only of my life.
and I have a hard time keeping
myself alive
i don’t even trust the bones
i grew myself, to stand up and
stop you from trying to take
your last breath.
i don’t even trust the bones
i grew myself, to stand up and
dance my pain away, walk away
from whats killing me.
who am I to love someone and i
can’t even love myself?
who am i to try and touch someone
heart deep when I can’t even move
i will not stop you
no -
i will not stop you
if you tried to end your life.
i am God
not yours,
but only of my life.